Thursday 14 November 2013

Value of certificate over competence

A worrying situation of employers valuing content of certificates over competence or hands on the job is no doubt an inspiration sucker of our youths.  This problem which has been in existence several years back has proven to be stagnant as industries, companies or manufacturers no longer consider or value potential competence of employees but value their certificates. This phenomenon has affected several students psychologically as they centre their mind on ensuring that they graduate from school with good results in order to compete in the industrial world.
Over-emphasis on paper qualification has been the yardstick for employment and this has discouraged concentration on vocational training and relocated the mentality of large number of youth to taking formal education as a must.
According to the UNESCO statistics, a total of 48.66% of adults ranging from 15 and above are literate while a total of 73.58% of youths ranging from 15 to 24 is educated or literate. Illiteracy rate by sex aged 15 and above is approximately as stated by UNESCO statistics 31.9%. This statstistic has obviously proven that there are more educated than illiterates in the country which ought to be a key advantage for the development of the country.   
Over emphasis on paper qualification is fast becoming alarming and if not looked into, there is a whole lot of possibility that the factor could wreck more havoc to the development of the country.  Value of certificate over competence could wreck havoc in terms of increasing rate of examination malpractice and inefficiency.
The hazard of examination malpractice has assumed an alarming and embarrassing height in all forms.
Examination malpractice has become a cankerworm. It is like a disease that has eaten deep into every facet of our educational system, and has affected the quality of graduates being churned out by our educational institutions. The situation has become so worrisome that students not only cheat but also employ more sophisticated means of executing the act.
Industrial inefficiency in Nigeria can also be regarded to as termites that slowly eat up the progress of services rendered and goods manufactured in the industrial sector. In the industrial sector today, wrong people occupy wrong offices and render wrong services to their clients. The problem of industrial inefficiency cannot be disregarded.
According to a radio talk show, talk to the students on Nigerian info, hosted by chucks and graced by miss deola a 300 level student of lagos state university and mr tiamiyu Hassan blames the problem of employers valuing certificates over competence on students, employers and government.
Mr Animashaun Wale blames the issue of employers valuing content of certificate over competence on employers and students. He explains that most employers believe that a good result means good prospects. He said that they employ graduates with very good results without worrying to know how the employee achieved such height in terms of the result or certificate tendered. “I feel employees should know by now that most Nigerian institution is a platform of success for students and not a true test of their abilities. He added
Speaking with miss ariyo bisola , graduate of business administration, lagos state university, contributed saying that she is not unaware of the present situation in question. “ I am very much aware of this problem and I have prepared myself psychologically. I know my potentials and I believe in myself although I worked really hard in school to have graduated with a second class upper division”. She added that she recently wrote a job exam and graced a job interview where she was questioned and tested.
The ceo of ehingbeti media, mr sina saba revealed to our correspondent that he employs his staffs based on recommendation and certificate tendered.” I employ workers based on recommendation and I consider their certificate because that determines what they can offer”.  He made more emphasis on certificate saying that he can only employ a graduate with the best of result. “There is no way I can employ a graduate with a weak result because the result is what draws my attention to any graduate. So if you wish to work in my establishment you must have a very good certificate even if recommended”. He added.

                                                                            BY TIAMIYU HASSAN

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